Articles in Category: Energy Saving Tips

Cheaper Heating & Cooling with a Heat Pump

on Thursday, 22 January 2015. Posted in Energy Saving Tips, Latest News

Cheaper Heating & Cooling with a Heat Pump

Despite the name “heat pump”, heat pumps do an efficient job of both cooling and heating the home or commercial building. Unlike other conventional heating systems, a heat pump operates by distributing heat, instead of generating hot or cold air. This heat or cooling process can be sourced from either water, earth known as a geothermal heating system or the most common system which retrieves heat from the air. This is known as an “air to air” heat pump.

Heating Solutions For Nursing Homes

on Friday, 24 October 2014. Posted in Orca, Energy Saving Tips, Latest News

Heating Solutions For Nursing Homes

What are Air to Water Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps extract energy from the sun and raises it to a temperature equipped to provide an effective and efficient heating source. This is an extremely environmentally friendly source of heat as approximately 75% of the energy we require to heat our homes is sourced directly from our environment. Air to water heat pumps are the most effective and modern method of hot water heating system on the market today.

Tips To Reduce Your Water Bill

on Thursday, 16 October 2014. Posted in Irish Water Charges, Energy Saving Tips

Tips To Reduce Your Water Bill

Irish Water are now sending application packs all domestic households connected to public water supplies. Home owners now face the reality of paying the controversial water charges in 2015. Most grown adults use around 50,000 litres of water each year and therefore, the chance of falling below 30,000 allowance litres per adult and 38,000 litres per child is minimal. For example, an 80 litre bath each day totals an adult's entire water allowance for the year.

Heat Pumps Ireland


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